ACCTA aims to:
- Help internship programs succeed in providing interns with professional competencies in health service psychology in college mental health settings and beyond
- Enhance interns’ learning experiences through innovative methodologies and technologies
- Strive for fair and ethically sound training and supervision
- Seek best practices in training and supervision
- Provide technical, professional, and moral support for Training Directors
ACCTA was established in 1978. It is an active and vibrant participant in national events and discussions regarding training in psychology, and liaises with many related organizations that affect psychology education and training. We represent one of the largest single training settings for APA-Accredited internships in the United States with 184 members who administrate sites offering more than 500 doctoral internship slots in psychology.
The Benefits of Membership
- ACCTA connects training programs to national issues related to training, accreditation and other important issues.
- Access to the extensive Training Resources
- Ability to attend the Annual Conference
- Ability to participate in the ACCTA listserv
- Diversity Mentorship Scholarship Program
- Mentor Program
- Support in your Role
Current Issues Links and information on current topics important in the field of training psychologists. Read more

Diversity Initiatives Learn about ACCTA’s commitment to diversity, including the Diversity Scholarship program and committee projects. Read more